Which things every summer bride should know

Published on by ABCdress

Which things every summer bride should know

From your guests' comfort to your bridal beautification, here's a punch list of what to think about for your summer wedding.

1. Heat can exhaust people. Be mindful of how much you're asking them to stand or walk outside in the heat and provide seating or special transportation if necessary.

2. It can be hard to feel swaggy if you're all sweaty. Keep a travel-sized deodorant handy.

3. Humidity-proof your hair with anti-frizz and moisture-resistant products. Check with your hair stylist ahead of time to see what he or she plans on using.

4. Make sure your guests can take cover under some shade (an awning, trees, or parasols) if they will be outside for longer than a couple minutes.

5. Keep guests (and yourself!) hydrated at every turn. Cucumber-flavored water, iced tea, or lemonade is perfect for pre- and post-ceremony refreshments.

6. Ward off bugs and mosquitos with bug spray and citronella candles.

7. Give your ceremony programs a double identity: part program, part paper fans that guests can cool themselves with.

8.Apply sunscreen to your nose and other areas that may turn a little red once you're outside long enough, like during your photos.

9. Spray your feet with anti-perspirant. This will help prevent blisters when the moisture in the air combines with your shoes' leather that rubs against your feet.

10. Avoid wet grass (from sprinklers or summer storms), which means potential grass stains on your or your bridal party's fancy shoes.

11. Ragweed is one of the most common summer allergens.Have an allergy solution on hand, either for you or your guests. An all-natural option like AllergEase lozenges are a great (and affordable) alternative to chemically-based meds.

12. Keep blotting papers in your clutch tofreshen up without affecting your makeup.

13. Make sure you have your sunglasses for in-between events. And think about hopping over to OrientalTrading.com to purchase a bunch of cheap novelty pairs for your guests.

14. Check with your caterer and venue on exactly how they will keep food fresh and prevent spoilage. If you're handling the food yourself, be sure to take proper precautions and/or simply choose summer-friendly foods like fresh fruit instead of cream-based concoctions.

15. Above all, play up your summertime nuptials! From a convertible getaway car to an ice cream truck, there are tons of fun ideas that make the other seasonal trade-offs totally worth it.

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