How Can You Include My Dad In Wedding Planning
Planning a wedding is stereotypically a mother-daughter activity. Dress shopping, picking out napkins, registering for china... probably not things your dad would get super excited about, right? But his little girl is growing up, too, and finding ways to include him in this big moment in your life can be incredibly meaningful. So how can you include dear old Dad in the planning process? Here are a few ideas from our experts.
Who says dress shopping is a girls-only event? If you and your dad are particularly close, consider bringing him along with Mom while you're trying on wedding dress after wedding dress. He might lean more traditional and insist you try on that gown that looks like the princess dresses you wore as a little girl, or he just might be the one pushing you out of your comfort zone and into something unexpected and modern!
If Dad isn't a fashion buff, consider including him in other aspects that might be right up his alley. You could bring him along to the menu tasting or, if he's a wine connoisseur, include him in your discussions of what will be poured at the table and served at the bar that night.
Does your dad love music? Ask him to help listen to sample tracks from bands you're considering or, if they're doing a showcase or playing locally, invite him to come with you to hear them play live. And if you've got a father who loves classic cars (and might even own one!), see if he might lend you the keys for your getaway or help you pick from the options at your local limo company.
Of course, there are also Dad-specific details he can help with, like choosing a song for the father-daughter dance or making a plan for your father-daughter first look. Play to his strengths and figure out what he'd be excited to help with, and you'll be golden!