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8 Habits To Break Before You Turn 30

8 Habits To Break Before You Turn 30

8 Habits To Break Before You Turn 30

Between ages 20 and 29, you can get away with a lot. It's common to be figuring out your life plan, to be adventuring, exploring, experimenting. Changing jobs is to be expected. Dating different people is common. Not cooking for yourself or planning for...

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Is She Too Old to Be Your Bridesmaid?

Is She Too Old to Be Your Bridesmaid?

Is She Too Old to Be Your Bridesmaid?

The answer as to whether or not she is too old to be a bridesmaid is that there is no age limit. While some bridesmaids in their late 30s and early 40s and older may feel ridiculous about being a bridesmaid for a friend or family member who is younger...

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